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Avoiding a No Contact Order in your Washington Domestic Violence Charge


If you are charged with a Washington state domestic violence charge, the judge will likely issue a no contact order against you at your arraignment. For this reason, it is extremely important to have a Lynnwood domestic violence attorney involved in your defense as soon as possible. I have been defending my clients from Washington domestic violence charges for over a decade.

The best way to avoid a no contact order at your arraignment is for the alleged victim to appear and express his or her wish that the court not issue a no contact order. In almost every court in Washington a victim is allowed to speak at the arraignment for your assault domestic violence charge. The court considers many factors when deciding whether or not to issue a no contact order in your Washington domestic violence case. These factors may include:

  1. Whether the defendant has any prior domestic violence history
  2. The nature of the current case - were there injuries?, were there threats?, etc.
  3. The demeanor of the alleged victim in court
  4. Does the alleged victim say he or she is not afraid of the defendant?
  5. Does the alleged victim just want the defendant home for financial reasons?
  6. Are there family or children issues that weigh against a no contact order?
  7. Is the defendant taking steps to mitigate what caused the incident - i.e. alcohol or domestic violence treatment?

These are some of the factors the court may consider. There are many others and each court is different. For this reason, if you wish to have the best chance to avoid a no contact order in your Washington domestic violence case, it is important to contact a Lynnwood Domestic Violence Attorney as early as possible in the case.

If you need help in defending your Washington domestic violence charge, Lynnwood domestic violence lawyer from the Law Offices of Lance Fryrear is here to help.