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Hit and Run Charges Dismissed

If you are charged with Hit and Run in Lynnwood, Seattle or elsewhere in Washington State, a Lynnwood criminal defense attorney may be able to get your charges dismissed through a statute known as the compromise of misdemeanor statute.

If you are charged with Hit and Run Attended, it is very important that you not be found guilty of that charge. In addition to a possible jail sentence (the maximum penalty being a $5000 fine and one year in jail) a conviction of Hit and Run Attended carries a mandatory driver's license suspension of one year. In addition to the one year license suspension, a person who is found guilty of Hit and Run Attended will be required to maintain high risk SR-22 insurance for three years. Clearly it is important that your Washington criminal defense attorney is familiar with the compromise of misdemeanor statute.

The compromise of misdemeanor statute, RCW 10.22.020, allows a judge to dismiss your Seattle Hit and Run charge if your attorney presents a release from the alleged victim stating the he or she has been civilly satisfied for his or her damages. For most of my clients, this means presenting a statement from the victim stating that they have been compensated for any out-of-pocket expenses they have suffered. This usually consists of rental car expenses, time off of work, or any uncompensated deductibles. If we receive the release from the victim, we can ask the court to dismiss your charge upon payment of court costs. The good news is that if the motion to dismiss your hit and run charge is granted, nothing will be reported to the Department of Licensing and you will keep your license.

Remember, if you are charged with Hit and Run, Lynnwood criminal defense attorney Lance Fryrear is here to help.