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How to Drop a No-Contact Order in Everett Municipal Court


If you are charged with a Domestic Violence offense in Everett Municipal Court you are likely restrained by a no-contact order that was entered at the arraignment. This no-contact order is often a great obstacle to putting your life back together. Most courts in Washington State do not have a set procedure for dropping no-contact orders. Everett Municipal Court, however, has their own domestic violence prosecutor, and thanks to her efforts, along with the wisdom of the court, there is a set procedure to try and address removing the no-contact order pretrial.

Indeed, I often defend my clients on Assault 4 DV or Assault 4 Domestic Violence charges in Everett Municipal Court. Other types of charges that may have no-contact orders in Everett Municipal Court are Malicious Mischief 3rd Degree DV, Harassment DV, Stalking and even No-Contact Order Violations. If you are charged with a domestic violence crime in Everett Municipal Court, you should ask your Everett domestic violence defense attorney about whether it makes sense in your case to try and have the no-contact order dropped.

In my experience, the rule of thumb for dropping a no-contact order in Everett Municipal Court requires that:

  1. The victim wishes the no-contact order dropped and appears in court on a motion hearing set in number 2 below.
  2. Your Everett domestic violence attorney sets a motion for a Wednesday at 3 p.m.
  3. The victim speaks to the domestic violence advocate the day of court and then addresses the court as to why he or she wants the order dropped.
  4. The defendant shows that he or she has completed at least 2 domestic violence classes.

The most important factor is step 4. It is important to remember, however, that if a defendant enrolls in domestic violence treatment, and completes 2 classes, he or she will likely be required to complete all of the classes by the court. Domestic Violence treatment usually consists of one year of classes so this is a step that should not be entered into lightly. It is best to consult a Washington domestic violence defense attorney before taking any steps in your Everett domestic violence case.

If you meet all 4 steps above, there is no guarantee that the court will drop the no-contact order, as each case is different and the prosecutor may still object. Still, if all 4 steps are met, you will have a very good chance of having your Everett no-contact order dropped pretrial.

Lynnwood domestic violence defense attorney Lance Fryrear is here to help drop your no-contact order in Everett Municipal Court or elsewhere in Washington State.