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Get the Best Shoreline Theft Defense For Your Theft in the Third Degree Charge from the Shoreline Costco or any other Shoreline Theft.


If you are charged with Theft in the Third Degree stemming from an allegation that you shoplifted from the Shoreline Costco, or anywhere else in Washington, you will need a Shoreline Theft Attorney who is very familiar with the King County District Court at the Shoreline Courthouse.

It is very important that you not be found guilty of theft in the third degree or any Washington theft charge. In addition to the direct consequences of a possible jail sentence up to 364 days and fine up to $5000, a theft conviction can negatively impact your life in ways you may not have considered. A theft conviction will appear on background checks for employment and housing, potentially preventing you from finding a job or an apartment in the future. If you ever testify in court, your conviction could be used to dispute your honesty. Also, if you are attempting to become a U.S. citizen, theft is considered a crime involving moral turpitude and a conviction could lead to the denial of your citizenship application or even deportation.

To avoid these consequences, you should act quickly to find an experienced Shoreline Theft in the Third Degree Attorney who is familiar with the court and any potential avenues to avoid conviction, like the compromise of misdemeanor statute.

I, Shoreline Theft 3rd Degree Attorney Lance Fryrear,have over a decade of experience defending Shoreline Theft charges. I will put this experience to work for you. Oftentimes, I am able to resolve my client's theft cases by keeping the theft off of their record.

Please contact Lynnwood Theft Defense Attorney Lance R. Fryrear for your free consultation today. I am here to help.