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What To Do if You Are Charged With DV Harassment in Washington State


Harassment is a very serious charge. There are a number of different ways you can be charged with Harassment, and with the addition of a domestic violence allegation it can become even more complicated. Because of this, if you have been charged with Domestic violence harassment, in Bothell, Seattle, Edmonds, Everett, Shoreline, or elsewhere throughout Washington State, you should speak to an experienced domestic violence harassment defense attorney as soon as possible to go over your case in detail and come up with the best possible defense and course of action.

Harassment often involves threats against another person's physical safety, but, there are many other situations that could be considered harassment as well. Harassment is defined by statute (RCW 9A.46.020) as knowingly threatening without lawful authority to either: (1) cause bodily injury to another person, (2) cause physical damage to another person's property, (3) subject a person to physical confinement or restraint, or (4) to maliciously do any other act intended to substantially harm a person's physical or mental health or safety.

To be considered criminal, the person threatened must actually be in reasonable fear that the threat will be carried out. A possible defense to harassment is showing that the person threatened did not actually believe that the threat would be followed through with. "Threats" go beyond mere verbal words and can also be implied through conduct or sent through the use of any writing or electronic communication.

Harassment is generally a gross misdemeanor, meaning that you could be facing up to 364 days in jail and a $5000 fine, but in certain situations it can be raised to a felony.

A charge is classified as a domestic violence related if the allegation is that it was committed by one family or household member against another.

It is very important that you speak to an experienced DV Harassment Defense Attorney before your arraignment because, at that first court date, the court will set a number of conditions which may be avoidable if you have an organized and effective advocate on your side. Specifically, the court will consider whether or not a no contact or no harassment order should be imposed, whether any weapons should be surrendered, and whether any other conditions should be ordered while the case is pending. It is important to be aware that if the court issues a no contact or no harassment order , a violation of the order is considered a new crime and you could then be facing up to an additional 364 days in jail and $5000 fine. You should consult with an experienced Domestic Violence Harassment Attorney as soon as possible to have the best chance at avoiding a no contact order.

I, DV harassment defense attorney Lance R. Fryrear , have over a decade of experience defending DV Harassment cases and an additional seven years of experience from the other side as a prosecutor. I know how to analyze all of the complicated issues in these types of cases and I have an inside track from my experience as a prosecutor. For many of my clients , I have been successful in avoiding no contact orders and in aggressively advocating for the best possible resolution.

Call today for your free consultation with Domestic Violence Harassment Defense Attorney Lance Fryrear. I am on your side.