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Should You Hire a Snohomish County Infraction Defense Attorney?


If you have been cited for a traffic infraction you are probably wondering if you should pay or contest the ticket and if you should hire a Snohomish County Infraction Defense Attorney to represent you. There are many important benefits to hiring an attorney for your infraction.

First, while some infractions appear relatively simple on their face, there are many potential defenses and issues that your attorney will be able to spot and use to obtain the best resolution possible for you. This is important because, while all traffic infractions will have an immediate affect on your life by requiring the payment of a fine, moving violations, which include everything from failing to signal (RCW 46.61.305) or speeding (RCW 46.61.400) to negligent driving in the second degree (RCW 46.61.525), can have a lasting effect financially as insurance companies often raise your insurance rates and leave them raised for several years.

Additionally, there are potential criminal consequences if you have too many infractions in a certain period of time or if you allow your tickets to go unpaid and your license is suspended. Driving on a suspended license is a criminal offense which could lead to jail time and even more fines.

Finally, some traffic violations and special licenses have unique consequences and restrictions that your attorney will be familiar with and will be able to advise you of the best course of action for your specific situation. One example of this is a citation for speeding in a school zone (RCW 46.61.440) where the monetary penalty is doubled and cannot be waived, reduced, or suspended. Another example involves intermediate licenses (a restricted license issued under RCW 46.20.075). If you have an intermediate license, your license will be suspended with committed findings on as few as two traffic offenses (RCW 46.20.267).

Your attorney will be able to advocate for your best resolution and is often able to appear on your behalf so you will not have to take more time out of your busy life to deal with resolving your traffic infraction.

If you have been cited for a traffic infraction in Lynnwood, Edmonds, Everett, Mill Creek, Mountlake Terrace, Arlington, Bothell, South District Court, Cascade District Court, or elsewhere in Snohomish County, you should contact an experienced Snohomish County Infraction Defense Attorney as soon as possible.

I, Snohomish County Infraction Defense Attorney Lance R. Fryrear, have the experience necessary to aggressively defend your traffic infraction. Prior to my decade of defense work, I spent 7 years actively prosecuting infraction cases. This unique experience allows me to see your specific case from both sides and to anticipate arguments to better defend your case. Contact the Law Offices of Lance Fryrear today for your free consultation.