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Dismiss Your Mountlake Terrace Theft in the Third Degree Charge Through Compromise of Misdemeanor
Law Office of Lance R. Fryrear
If you are charged with Theft, it is very important that you not be found guilty of that charge. In addition to a possible jail sentence (the maximum penalty for Theft in the Third Degree is a $5000 fine and 364 days in jail), a Theft conviction can impact your ability to find a job or to rent an apartment or home.
Clearly, it is important that your Mountlake Terrace Theft in the Third Degree Attorney is familiar with the compromise of misdemeanor statute.
Under the compromise of misdemeanor statute, a judge is able to dismiss your Mountlake Terrace Theft in the Third Degree charge if your attorney presents a release from the alleged victim stating that he or she has been civilly satisfied for his or her damages. For most of my clients, this means presenting a statement from the alleged victim stating that they have been compensated for the retail value of any property taken plus an additional penalty fee. If we receive the release from the alleged victim, we can ask the court to dismiss your charge upon payment of court costs.
Remember, if you are charged with Theft in the Third Degree, Mountlake Terrace Defense Attorney Lance Fryrear is here to help.