What You Should Know if You are Arrested for a DUI in Edmonds, Washington

By Law Office of Lance R. Fryrear
If you are arrested for a DUI in the City of Edmonds in Washington State you will be taken to jail and booked. The Edmonds Municipal Court has a standing policy that all DUI arrests are to be booked into the Snohomish County Jail. If your loved one was arrested for an Edmonds DUI and you bail him or her out on their Edmonds Driving Under the Influence charge, make sure to contact a Edmonds DUI Defense Attorney immediately to make sure that they do not miss their court date.

Several of my clients who have been arrested for an Edmonds DUI have been bailed out of jail and not told about their next court date by the jail staff. Typically, the Edmonds Municipal Court schedules an arraignment for an Edmonds DUI on the soonest Tuesday after arrest, usually at 11:00 a.m. This means that if you are arrested for an Edmonds DUI over the weekend, and bail out of jail before Tuesday morning, you may end up missing your court date and getting a warrant if you have not contacted an Edmonds DUI Attorney before then. For this reason it is imperative that you contact an Edmonds DUI Lawyer as soon as possible so that we can provide you the best possible defense.

Many times we are able to resolve your Edmonds DUI without a DUI conviction. We can also often avoid jail time and may even be able to keep your license from being suspended or from having a post-conviction Ignition Interlock Device. I have been defending my clients from Edmonds DUI charges for over a decade.

Feel free to contact Edmonds DUI Defense Attorney Lance Fryrear for a free consultation on getting the best Edmonds DUI defense possible. Call me now and I'll be there for you.

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