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How Can a Fish and Wildlife Violation Affect My Life?


If you have been charged with a Fishing, Hunting, Shrimping, Crabbing, or Wildlife violation in Edmonds, Mukilteo, Kenmore, Everett, Kirkland, Seattle or anywhere else in Washington State you should contact an experienced Washington fish and wildlife violation defense attorney as soon as possible. There are numerous fish and wildlife violations which carry different penalties including licensing consequences and criminal charges ranging from misdemeanor to felony offenses. An experienced and aggressive Washington Fish and Wildlife Violation Defense Attorney can analyze your case and formulate a defense strategy tailored to your specific facts and circumstances to obtain your best outcome.

Some of the most common Fish and Wildlife Violations include: Unlawful Recreational Fishing in the First Degree ( RCW 77.15.370), Unlawful Recreational Fishing in the Second Degree ( RCW 77.15.380), Unlawful Trapping ( RCW 77.15.190), Unlawful Use of Dogs ( RCW 77.15.240), Unlawful Hunting of Big Game ( RCW 77.15.410), Unlawful Hunting of Wild Birds ( RCW 77.15.400), Unlawful Hunting of Wild Animals ( RCW 77.15.430), Unlawful Hydraulic Project Activities ( RCW 77.15.300), Unlawful Use of Shellfish Gear ( RCW 77.15.382), Unlawful Use of Net ( RCW 77.15.580), and Hunting while Intoxicated ( RCW 77.15.675).

Fish and Wildlife Violation Penalties

The penalties vary with each violation. For example,

  • Unlawful Recreational Fishing in the Second Degree is a Misdemeanor offense carrying a maximum penalty of up to 90 days in jail and a $1000 fine
  • Unlawful Hunting of Big Game in the First Degree is a Class C Felony which carries a maximum sentence of 5 years in jail and a $10,000 fine and requires a revocation of your hunting license and suspension of your hunting privileges for 10 years

In addition, any criminal conviction can affect your life in ways you may not have realized. Criminal convictions often must be reported on job and rental applications which can affect your ability to find work and housing. Clearly, it is important to have an experienced Washington state fish and wildlife defense attorney on your side.

I, Washington criminal defense attorney Lance R. Fryrear , have over a decade of experience as a Washington Criminal Defense Attorney and have achieved favorable outcomes in many of my client's Washington Fish and Wildlife Violation cases.

Contact Washington Fish and Wildlife Violation Defense Attorney Lance R. Fryrear today for your free consultation. I am on your side.