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Get the Best Defense for Your Edmonds or Bothell Theft in the Third Degree Charge


If you are charged with Theft in the Third Degree in Bothell, Edmonds, or elsewhere in Washington State, it is extremely important that you not be convicted of the Theft 3 charge. To have the best chance of avoiding conviction, you should contact an experienced Washington Theft 3rd Defense Attorney as soon as possible.

A Bothell or Edmonds Theft in the Third Degree charge is a gross misdemeanor, meaning, you are facing up to 364 days in jail and a $5000 fine. All theft convictions are considered crimes of dishonesty and can be used to attack your credibility as a witness if you ever testify in court. If you are not a U.S. citizen, a theft conviction will be considered a crime involving moral turpitude and can lead to a denial of your citizenship application or even deportation. Additionally, oftentimes criminal convictions must be disclosed on housing and job applications. Theft convictions in particular can be a major hurdle in finding stable employment. Clearly it is extremely important to have the best defense possible for your Bothell or Edmonds Theft 3 charge.

I have been defending Theft in the Third Degree charges in Bothell, Edmonds, and throughout Washington State for over a decade. I have the experience necessary to aggressively defend your case and I am familiar with the many defenses to Theft 3 charges including the Compromise of Misdemeanor Statute. Oftentimes, I am able to resolve my client's cases without a conviction.

Contact my office today for your free consultation. Washington Theft in the Third Degree Defense Attorney Lance R. Fryrear is here to help.