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What to Do if You are Charged with Furnishing Liquor to a Minor in Arlington, Washington


If you have been charged with Furnishing Liquor to a Minor in Arlington or elsewhere in Washington State, you will want to speak to an Arlington criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. It is well known that anyone under the age of 21 is not legally allowed to possess or consume alcohol, but you may not have realized that you can be charged criminally if you provide alcohol to a minor. In Washington, it is unlawful to sell, give, or otherwise supply liquor to a minor. It is also unlawful to permit a minor to consume liquor on any premises under your control. There are very limited exceptions for parents, medical providers, and for religious services and an experienced Arlington furnishing liquor defense attorney can go over your case in detail and find the best defense approach for your specific situation.

Though the City of Arlington has adopted many sections of the Revised Code of Washington, it has its own code for both Furnishing Liquor to Persons Underage ( AMC 9.44.020(b) ) and for Minor in Possession of Liquor (MIP) ( AMC 9.44.020(a) ). Unlike state law where both crimes are classified as gross misdemeanors ( RCW 66.44.270 ), both Arlington Furnishing Liquor to Persons Underage charges and Arlington MIP charges are classified as misdemeanor offenses. This means, if convicted, you will be facing up to 90 days in jail and a $1000 fine. Many job and housing applications require disclosure of any criminal convictions so a conviction for an Arlington Furnishing Liquor to a Minor charge could impact your ability to find a job or housing. Clearly it is important to have an experienced Arlington criminal defense attorney on your side.

I have over a decade of experience defending Furnishing Liquor to a Minor charges in Arlington and throughout Washington State. I am very familiar with the technical defenses to these charges and, for many of my clients , I have been able to resolve their Furnishing Liquor to a Minor cases without conviction.

Please contact me , Arlington defense attorney Lance R. Fryrear, for a free consultation. I am here to help.