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How Recent Law Changes May Affect Your Mill Creek and Mountlake Terrace DUI Charge


If you have been arrested and charged with driving under the influence (DUI) in the cities of Mill Creek or Mountlake Terrace, Washington, you will have your arraignment at the Snohomish County South District Courthouse in Lynnwood, Washington. This may be the first time you have ever been in legal trouble and you may be very scared about this first court date. Having an experienced Mill Creek and Mountlake Terrace DUI Defense Attorney by your side can greatly reduce your anxiety about your arraignment as they will be able to go over the specific facts of your case and help to prepare you for what to expect in court.

The law can be complicated and there have been a number of recent changes in the Washington DUI laws that you should be aware of. Your attorney will be able to advise you as to which laws and penalties may apply to your unique case. One of the important recent changes involves a "per se" limit for THC - marijuana. Where before the passing of I-502, the prosecution had to prove that a person with active THC in their system was actually affected by the THC. Now, similar to the 0.08 "per se" limit for alcohol, the prosecution simply has to prove that you had at least 5.00 nanograms of active THC in your system to prove a marijuana DUI case. Even still, there are a number of other considerations which go into proving a marijuana DUI case and an experienced Mill Creek and Mountlake Terrace Marijuana DUI Defense Attorney will review your case thoroughly and help to guide you through the court process.

You may have also recently heard about the State Legislature passing a number of changes to the current DUI laws in response to a number of very tragic accident cases. These changes include required sobriety monitoring for persons with prior DUI convictions, required community custody for felony DUI convictions, modifications requiring officers to arrest and book DUI suspects into jail when they have knowledge of a prior DUI offense within the past 10 years, required sobriety monitoring (with either an ignition interlock device or with some other sobriety monitoring program) as a condition of release for persons with a prior offense, and many others. Your Mill Creek and Mountlake Terrace DUI Defense Attorney will be able to review your case and discuss with you any changes that may apply to your unique situation.

I, Snohomish County DUI Defense Attorney Lance R. Fryrear , have been defending DUI cases in the cities of Mill Creek and Mountlake Terrace for over a decade. I also have invaluable experience that I gained from my seven years as a prosecuting attorney which I will put to work for you. Please contact me today for a free consultation.