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Dismissed Unlawful Hunting of Big Game Case


As a Lynnwood criminal defense attorney, I am able to take on any type of criminal case. I, Lance R. Fryrear, recently took on a case for a client who was facing unlawful hunting of big game charges in the second degree. In order to be charged for unlawful hunting of big game in the second degree in Washington, a person has to perform any of the following acts:

  1. Hunts or possesses big game without having all licenses or permits to do so
  2. Violates a department rule regarding seasons, possession limits, closed areas, closed times or any other hunting big game rule

A person can be charged for unlawful hunting of big game in the first degree if they perform any of the above acts and:

  1. Hunts or possesses three or more big game animals at one time
  2. Performs the act within five years of a prior conviction for unlawful hunting or possessing big game.

Unlawful hunting of big game in the second degree is charged as a gross misdemeanor and is punishable by a jail sentence of up to 364 days along with a possible fine of up to $5,000. On top of jail time and fines, the convicted person will lose their hunting privileges for two years. My client was at risk for these penalties when he approached my firm. After representing my client, my firm was able to negotiate a continuance of case with dismissal of the charge in six months. My client was able to avoid a criminal conviction and the suspension of hunting privileges. If you are facing unlawful hunting charges or any other criminal charges in Lynnwood, contact the Law Offices of Lance Fryrear . I offer a free personal case evaluation so call today to speak with an experienced Lynnwood criminal defense lawyer about your case.