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Success in a Double Fishing Violation Case in Lynnwood, WA


My firm, the Law Offices of Lance Fryrear recently took on a case for a client who was facing two criminal fishing violation charges in Washington. The client came to my firm in an effort to have their charges reduced or dismissed because of the possible penalties he / she was facing. Each violation was being charged as a misdemeanor offense and each one was punishable by a jail sentence of up to 90 days along with a possible fine of up to $1,000. My client was facing two criminal violations meaning that his / her punishments could have been doubled. The Lynnwood criminal defense attorneys at my firm are skilled when it comes to defending clients in any type of criminal case so be sure to call today if you need skilled representation.

I, Lance R. Fryrear, knew that I would need to build a strong defense for my client in order to have some of the charges reduced or dismissed. After representing my client aggressively in court, I was able to have the first criminal fishing violation completely dismissed. With the second fishing violation, I was able to have the charge amended to an infraction rather than a misdemeanor charge. My client avoided two criminal convictions by the end of the case. If you are facing any type of criminal charge in Lynnwood, Washington be sure to contact my firm, the Law Offices of Lance Fryrear right away. I have over a decade of experience and have had ample success obtaining favorable outcomes for thousands of my clients. I also proudly offer a free personal case evaluation so you are able to call my firm today to ask me questions and discuss your specific criminal case.