Best Defense for Your City of Brier Criminal Charge

By Lance Fryrear

If you have been charged with the crime of Driving Under the Influence (DUI), Assault, or Theft in the City of Brier, Washington, you are probably scared and overwhelmed wondering what might happen to you. Non-felony City of Brier cases are handled by a City contracted prosecutor and are heard at the Snohomish County District Court South Division in Lynnwood, Washington. The City has jurisdiction over civil infractions (speeding tickets, etc.), misdemeanor offenses (driving while license is suspended in the third degree DWLS 3, etc.), and gross misdemeanor offenses (DUI, Assault 4, Theft 3, etc.) occurring within the city limits. Felony level matters are handled by the Snohomish County Prosecuting Attorney and are heard at the Snohomish County Superior Court in Everett, Washington. If you have a City of Brier matter, you will want a skilled and experienced defense attorney on your side.

I, Brier Criminal Defense Attorney Lance R. Fryrear, have spent nearly two decades working in the criminal courts in Snohomish County, Washington. I have spent time on both sides, as a prosecutor and a defense attorney, which gives me insight into the process that other defense attorneys do not have. I will walk you through the process and thoroughly evaluate your case for potential weaknesses to provide you with your best defense. Please take a moment to look through my client reviews and call me today for your free consultation. I look forward to working with you.

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