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What to Do If You Missed Your Court Date

Missing a court date can feel particularly stressful but know that you aren’t alone. Many people have missed court dates for understandable reasons. The important thing is to stay calm and take affirmative action as soon as you realize you have missed your hearing.

What Could Happen If I Miss My Court Date?

In criminal matters, a judge can issue a warrant for your arrest if you fail to appear for your court date. If the judge issues a warrant, they will consider your criminal history, whether you have missed court dates in the past, and any other relevant factors when setting the respective bail amount.

What Should I Do If a Warrant Has Been Issued? 

To recall, or “quash,” a warrant, you have some options:

  • You can post the bail to the court yourself.
  • You can contact a bail bonding company to post the bail for you.
  • You can contact the court to see if the warrant is administratively quashable upon payment of a fee.
  • You can contact the court if you are able to schedule a hearing to explain to the Judge why you missed court and ask that the warrant be quashed.

If you are contacting the court, we suggest politely asking to speak with a clerk for an update on the status of your case. The clerk can let you know if a warrant has been issued and the bail amount. The clerk can also let you know the options available to you. Once the warrant has been quashed, the court will re-set the hearing you missed.

When Should I Contact an Attorney About My Warrant? 

Quashing a warrant can be more difficult in certain situations. We recommend contacting an attorney right away if any of the following apply:

  • The warrant has been issued for a period longer than 6 months.
  • The warrant was issued for probation violation.
  • The warrant pertains to a serious charge, such as DUI, Assault, or felony.
  • The bail amount is set very high.

These are just a few scenarios that can complicate your warrant being recalled, so we recommend retaining an attorney if you are unsure of what to do. Your attorney will fight to help get your warrants taken care of at minimal cost and get you back into compliance with the courts.

Contact Us for Assistance if You Have Missed a Court Date

If you have missed a court date or a warrant has been issued for your arrest, it is not a hopeless situation. Your attorney can help guide you through any necessary steps and work to get your warrant quashed. To learn more, give our office a call at (425) 224-7075. We will listen to you, answer your questions, ease your stress, and resolve your case. Owner and principal attorney Lance Fryrear of The Law Offices of Lance Fryrear has defended the accused in Lynnwood and throughout Washington for the past 20 years. We will do everything we can to help and support you through this process.