Snohomish County Fish & Wildlife Violation Attorney
Washington Fish and Game Defense
Were you arrested on suspicion of violating the Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Code in Washington? This code outlines numerous fish and wildlife offenses and the various penalties associated with each violation. If you have been arrested or charged with a fish and wildlife violation, your first step should be to contact a member of our legal team.
We will do everything in our power to provide the best defense in your case. We are experienced in defending all fish and wildlife violations including unlawful recreational fishing, unlawful hydraulic activity, unlawful hunting of big game, bear baiting, unlawful hunting of wild animals, waste of fish and wildlife, unlawful use of department lands, and hunting while intoxicated.
The laws regarding fishing and hunting are extensive and are among the most complex in the State of Washington. Due to this fact, you may be accused of a violation when you did not even realize you were breaking the law. In order to have the best chance of getting your charges reduced or even dismissed, you should have a defense attorney on your side who is experienced with these laws.
Facing charges for a fish and wildlife violation? Contact The Law Offices of Lance Fryrear for your free consultation.
Common Fish and Wildlife Offenses
Unlawful Recreational Fishing
One of the most common wildlife offenses is unlawful recreational fishing (RCW 77.15.370 and RCW 77.15.380). Unlawful recreational fishing can either be a misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor offense depending on the circumstances.
For example, if you are accused of taking twice the legal limit of fish or fishing in a fishway you could be charged with unlawful recreational fishing in the first degree, a gross misdemeanor.
Unlawful Hunting of Big Game
Another common charge in Washington is unlawful hunting of big game (RCW 77.15.410). Unlawful hunting of big game is either a gross misdemeanor or a class C felony offense depending on the alleged facts of the case. A conviction will result in a suspension of your hunting rights.
If convicted of a big game violation that resulted in the death of a big game animal, you will also be required to pay a hefty criminal wildlife penalty and you will be unable to restore your hunting rights until the penalty is paid in full.
Waste of Fish and Wildlife
You can be charged with waste of fish and wildlife (RCW 77.15.170) if you kill, take, or possess fish or wildlife and recklessly allow the fish or wildlife to be wasted. This charge often results when a person kills fish or wildlife and then abandons the kill.
The penalties depend on the value of the wasted fish or wildlife. A gross misdemeanor conviction for waste of fish and wildlife carries with it a one-year fishing or hunting license suspension.
Unlawful Hydraulic Project Activities
Another common violation is unlawful hydraulic project activities (RCW 77.15.300). This violation occurs when you conduct a hydraulic project without a requisite permit, in violation of a permit, or in violation of the hydraulic code (RCW 77.55). Unlawful hydraulic project activities is a gross misdemeanor offense.
Facing Your Washington State Avoiding Wildlife Check Station Charge
Have you been charged with avoiding a wildlife check station (RCW 77.15.470) in King, Snohomish, Skagit, or Whatcom County? You can be charged with avoiding a wildlife check station or field inspection in Washington State if you fail to obey check station signs, fail to stop and report at a check station if directed to do so, or if you fail to produce items when requested by a fish and wildlife officer.
We frequently see this charge when a fish and wildlife officer asks to look in a client's vehicle and the client initially hesitates to allow them to do so. You may find that you are charged even if you eventually allowed the officer to check your vehicle or otherwise submitted to the officer's requests. This charge is often coupled with other charges such as Unlawful Recreational Fishing (RCW 77.15.370 and 77.15.380).