Lynnwood Marijuana DUI Lawyer
Washington Marijuana DUI Offenses
Under RCW 46.61.502, you can be charged with a marijuana DUI if you have, within two hours of driving, a THC concentration of 5.00 or higher as shown by analysis of your blood made under RCW 46.61.506, if you are under the influence of or affected by marijuana, or if you are under the combined influence of or affected by intoxicating liquor, marijuana, or any drug.
You should be cautious also if you are using medical marijuana as the law specifies that the fact that a person charged is or has been entitled to use a drug under the laws of this state shall not constitute a defense against a charge of DUI.
A Washington State Marijuana DUI carries the same penalties as an alcohol DUI. This means it is generally a gross misdemeanor offense (unless you have sufficient prior history to elevate it to a felony) carrying a maximum sentence of 364 days in jail and a $5000 fine. There are also mandatory minimum sentences depending on prior history. Even if not convicted, after your arrest for a marijuana DUI you could suffer a license suspension and be required to maintain an ignition interlock device and high-risk/SR-22 insurance to continue driving. It is important to contact an attorney right away to prepare your best defense.
If you have been arrested for a Washington Marijuana DUI call the skilled attorneys at the Law Offices of Lance Fryrear to fight for you.